Nowadays the whole world is struggling with snow. There are lots of lots of lots advices on internet, TV, newspapers, magazines. But they are all the same. Replace your tyres with winter tyres, prepare your snow chains, drive slowly, don’t make sudden reaction, buy de-icing chemicals, have a duvet in your car and etc, etc, etc. For rich people, they are buying SUVs but my advice is totally different :)

If you want to survive in heavy winter conditions, buy a Mercedes-Benz Unimog. My recommendation is the U500 model but you can buy the U300 or U400 too! This vehicle is the king of the any terrain. It is nearly indestructible, can go everywhere, can do anything. It is beyond your imaginations. Forgot the National Geographic TV shows, Unimog can do anything. If you want to move your house, Unimog can do it.

I really love this vehicle, it has every Mercedes-Benz technology inside. Sure, this is a truck but the most domestic one :) U500 is producing 286 from six cylinder turbo diesel engine and coupled with 16 forward and 14 reverse gears. You didn’t read wrong, 16 forward and 14 reverse gears! This lunatic gearbox is also automatic! 1120Nm torque, this is the thing which will move your house. Electronic Quick Reverse system which helps you to go forward and backward rapidly. You can control tyre pressure from inside. And it has lots of lots different systems, and it is very easy to drive it.

If you are very rich, you can buy the luxury version “Brabus Unimog”. This version has more luxury but the rest is the same.
In addition, you can connect snow cleaning system in front your bumper and help other people :) Try not to stuck, because you have to find something bigger than this!
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