Jeremy Clarkson strikes back for The Stig! Ben Collins, TheStig from 2003 to 2010 was the second Stig in BBC Top Gear show. Collins kept his identity undercover for eight years until he said enough is enough.
All of a sudden, Ben Collins revealed his identity and a huge dispute started with Jeremy Clarkson. They did not argue on TV face-to-face but in media, they used their all power. Clarkson wrote about his feelings for Ben Collins on his columns and Collins wrote a book about his life as The Stig. Then Clarkson made a short footage of The Stig, where they have many of them and implied that Ben Collins is not the only Stig.
However, this battle vanished from the media and we almost forget. Until now!
Jeremy Clarkson recently revealed his book about The Stig, The Stig: The Untold Story. I haven’t read the book yet, therefore I cannot comment on Clarkson’s words. But I know something, the Clarkson strikes back!
Ben Collins:
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BBC, HarpersCollins