MINI attempts the first unassisted 360-degree backflip in a Countryman JCW !?!
Is this a remote control Mini Countryman JCW? No!
Is this MINI Countryman JCW driven by a kid? No, again.
Who drives the MINI Countryman JCW in 360-degree back flip? French driver Guerlain Chicherit.
Is Guerlain Chicherit a kid? No.
How old is Guerlain Chicherit? 34 years old.
Why Guerlain Chicherit does 360-degree with a MINI Countryman JCW? For advertisement and make the video viral like this.
Is this a normal MINI Countryman JCW? Yes. 1.6-lt turbo petrol engine with 218 HP and 300 Nm of torque. Needs only 7 seconds to reach 100 km/h with the top speed of 225 km/h.
Can I buy this MINI Countryman JCW? Yes, if you have the money!
Does the MINI Countryman JCW land after the 360-degree backflip? I think MINI lands properly after the 360-degree backflip. Otherwise, Guerlain Chicherit would be on news on each TV channel with a crashed MINI Countryman JCW.
Are you SIRI from the Apple? No, I just wanted to write in this way.
Do you have photos of MINI Countryman JCW? Yes, just look below. I mean below the post :)
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